Expectations of Tutoring 

All students learn at their own pace, and I tutor each student at their own pace. In some cases, it can also take time to build a positive working relationship with students. Please be patient with progress.


Can parents join sessions?

No, parents are not able to join sessions, unless it has been otherwise agreed before all sessions start and for a good reason. It is important for the tutor and student to build a healthy working relationship together, and if parents are there, the student may feel they are not able to be completely open, instead expecting their parents to answer for them.

Will KPKtutoring Complete Work for Students? 

In short, no. I will help plan, discuss, analyse and edit written work, but I will not write any work for a student. In art, I will help plan and discuss how the pieces can be completed, but I will not be completing any of the creative work for the student. As you will be aware it would be my work that is marked, not the students and the grade would not reflect what they have achieved. The student also won’t learn how to complete these tasks for themselves, and in turn would diminished the objectives of the tuition I offer.



If a family would like to review the progression of tuition with me, I recommend we book a Zoom meeting after 8 hours of consecutive tuition. If there have been a lot of breaks between sessions it will be more difficult to give a clear review of the student’s progress. I will take minutes of the meeting and send a copy by email. Please note the review meeting will be charged at the student’s hourly rate.



If a student/client has any feedback they would like to share outside of our regularly scheduled sessions, I would suggest we book a Zoom meeting. I will take minutes of the meeting and send a copy by email. Please note the feedback meeting will be charged at the student’s hourly rate.


72 Hour Cancellation Policy

Any sessions cancelled within 72-hours of the session occurring will be charged the full rate. If you want to make any changes to session times or cancel sessions, please do let me know via WhatsApp or Email as soon as possible. (Please see KPKtutoring Cancellation Policy for full details).


Late To Sessions

If the student has not arrived within 5 minutes of the session starting a WhatsApp message will be sent – please note this method should not be used as a weekly reminder. The student is expected to arrive on time.

If there is no communication from the student within 30 minutes of the class starting the session will be logged as cancelled without notice, charged at the full hourly rate and the zoom link will be closed.



All sessions are charged in advance, e.g. Invoices for December will be sent on 25 November. All payments must be made by bank transfer directly to KPKtutoring unless otherwise discussed. All Invoices must be paid promptly prior to the start of any session.

International Students: For all International students who do not have a UK Bank Account please WhatsApp or email me a copy of the Bank’s confirmation of funds transfer document. Please also note that all fees paid to the tutor must be the full rate and no deductions are to be taken from the tutor payment in landing fees or any other fees. Any fees incurred by the tutor will be added to the following months invoice for reimbursement. 

All invoices list each sessions’ date and time. Please make a note of all the session dates and times in the invoice to ensure all classes are attended. If there are any sessions you would like removed or added, please let me know as quickly as possible and I will issue an updated invoice.


Invoicing for Educational Items 

If there is an educational item, for example a textbook or novel, I need to purchase for teaching a student I will aim to find the most cost-effective item. I will inform the family of the cost and if agreed, will add the cost to the following months invoice.

Sessions Booked in July and August

The KPKtutoring Summer Programme comes into effect on July 1 (till August 31) - this means any sessions booked and paid for during this period will not fall under the same cancellation policy as the rest of the year. Any sessions cancelled after payment is received will not be rolled over or refunded.


First reminder will be sent on the 1st of the new month. A second reminder will be sent on 5th of the new month. A final reminder will be sent on the 10th of the new month. If the invoice remains outstanding after 15 days of the invoice being issued a late payment warning will be issued (after two warnings the tutor reserves the right to cancel all sessions) and an additional £5 daily late fee will also be added to any invoices outstanding after 15 days. I am aware and do understand that all clients are busy, however it takes time and effort to chase payments every month.


Monthly Reports

At the end of every month, I will send feedback about how the student has done over the month, if there are any areas of improvement needed and if there are any set goals/plans we have made.



Day students: Most students have a very full schedule, lots of homework and from experience I have found that most students do not benefit from getting additional homework from tutors. Unless discussed directly with the parent/s and student as to the type of work that can possibly be set, I will not be setting additional homework.

Home-schooling students: Home-schooling students will receive homework once they feel confident to work independently. A weekly schedule will be drawn up with the student to allocate time for independent study.


Daylights Savings Time

Due to my fixed and full schedule when the clocks change, I will not be able to adjust any sessions with any students, including International students.


Conversation Expectations

The main ethos of KPKtutoring is to create a safe learning environment and it is essential that all students, and parents, communicate in a kind, respectful and considerate manner. If a student does not follow these methods of communication I will raise, discuss, and aim to resolve the issue. If the student repeats the behaviour a second time in the same session, I will end the session and inform the parent. If the student, or parent, speak to me inappropriately and after discussion this has not been resolved I will end all tuition with the family. I understand that there are life stresses, but bringing them to sessions, or directing them towards me will not be tolerated.



As the student / tutor relationship develops the student may feel comfortable to speak to the tutor about any issues that are occurring in their studies, or personal issues. If this occurs, I will pause teaching and let the student speak. Once we have talked through what is concerning the student, I will also inform the student that I will be letting the parent/s know. For time sensitive feedback like this I will send a voice note as soon as a I am able on the day of the session. If the student is struggling with any mental health issues, I will raise this immediately with the parent/guardian. (Please note that on my tutoring days I finish teaching at 8pm and you may receive a voice note after this time).


Zoom Link

The same meeting room Zoom link is used for all sessions and all tutoring sessions will only occur on Zoom, unless otherwise agreed. I have included the Zoom link in emails for the Initial Assessment and Welcome Email. If you need easier access to the link, you can copy and paste the link to be stored, for example, in a word document.

I have checked and tested Google Meet, Skype, FaceTime, and other video chat options. These video chat platforms do not offer a consistent video call experience, do not offer a smooth teaching experience and most do not offer the share screen option.

The call function may be used on WhatsApp if there is an issue with the microphone or the video function may be used if there are any issues whilst with logging onto Zoom.

Recording Sessions

I do not record sessions and do not offer this as an option.

Google Drive

I create individual Google Drives for each student. Students, parents/clients will have access to their individual drive. I will populate the drive with documents, articles and visual supports as required. When required, google documents will be created to help support the students’ studies.

KPKtutoring Session Days & Times

Online only

Tuesdays, sessions times run from 9am-11am and 3pm-8pm

Wednesdays, sessions times run from 9am-11am and 3pm-8pm

Fridays, sessions times run from 9am-11am and 3pm-8pm

(Please note in August my schedule might change as it is the summer holidays)

In-person at my studio for Art/Creative subjects only

Saturdays, a minimum of two hours must be booked (unless otherwise discussed with tutor) and run from 10am - 12noon

(Please note in August my schedule might change as it is the summer holidays)

**Please note: I run a first come first serve service for session bookings and will not hold any slots without a non-refundable deposit (if sessions move forward, I will deduct the deposit in the monthly invoice)


Unless urgent I will not be replying to any forms of communication on Sundays. Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturday afternoons. as these are non-tutoring days and I won’t be able to respond immediately to any form of communication, unless urgent. On my tutoring days I will do my best to reply to all messages during working hours, but I do put my phone on silent when teaching.


Pausing Sessions

If the client/student would like to pause sessions, please let me know as soon as possible. The client/student agrees to complete all sessions for the current month and agrees to pause all tuition starting on the 1st of the following month, for example if the pause of sessions is requested in October the pause will start on 1st November. The client/student agrees that if they pause sessions, the session slot they were originally allocated will not be held for them and if another student requests the session slot, it will be allocated to the new student. The client/student who asked for the pause of all sessions can be added to the KPKtutoring waiting list by request.


Cancelling All Tutoring Sessions

Please see ‘KPKtutoring Cancellation Policy’.